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De Bibliothèque Lucas Lhardi
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(Page créée avec « -- -- This module implements many tennis bracket templates -- local p = {} local args = {} local rounds local sets = {} local compact local byes local hideSeeds local sho... »)

Version du 15 septembre 2018 à 01:38

-- -- This module implements many tennis bracket templates --

local p = {} local args = {} local rounds local sets = {} local compact local byes local hideSeeds local showSeeds local hideHeadings local showThird local offsetThird local compactFinal local RD1seedmap = {} local tcats =

local function isnotblank(s) return s and s ~= end

local function isblank(s) return (not s) or (s == ) end

local function parseArgs(frame) local fargs = frame.args local pargs = frame:getParent().args;

local r = tonumber(fargs.rounds or ) or tonumber(pargs.rounds or ) or 2 local teams = math.pow(2, r) local rdstr = 'RD' .. tostring(r) local rdbstr = 'RD' .. tostring(r) .. 'b' local rdp1str = 'RD' .. tostring(r+1)

for i=1,2 do local targs = (i == 1) and pargs or fargs for k,v in pairs(targs) do if type(k) == 'string' then if k:find('^[R3][Dr][d1-9]b?%-[a-z][a-z]*00*') then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^([R3][Dr][d1-9]b?%-[a-z][a-z]*)00*', '%1') if (teams < 10) then tcats = tcats .. end end if k:find('^' .. rdp1str) then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^' .. rdp1str, '3rd') tcats = tcats .. elseif k:find('^' .. rdbstr) then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^' .. rdbstr, '3rd') elseif k:find('^' .. rdstr .. '%-[a-z][a-z]*3') then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^' .. rdstr .. '(%-[a-z][a-z]*)3', '3rd%11') elseif k:find('^' .. rdstr .. '%-[a-z][a-z]*4') then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^' .. rdstr .. '(%-[a-z][a-z]*)4', '3rd%12') elseif k:find('^Consol') then k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '^Consol', '3rd') tcats = tcats .. elseif k:find('^group[0-9]') then tcats = tcats .. end end args[k] = v end end

if (args['byes'] and (args['byes'] == 'yes' or args['byes'] == 'y')) then tcats = tcats .. end end

local function parseSeedmap(s) s = mw.text.split((s or '0') .. '/', '[%s]*/[%s]*') local teams = math.pow(2, rounds) for r=1,teams do RD1seedmap[r] = 1 end for r=1,#s do if tonumber(s[r] or 'x') then RD1seedmap[tonumber(s[r])] = 0 end end local c = 1 for r=1,teams do if RD1seedmap[r] > 0 then RD1seedmap[r] = c c = c + 1 end end end

local function parseSets(s) s = mw.text.split((s or '5') .. '/', '[%s]*/[%s]*') local n = showThird and (rounds + 1) or (rounds) for r=1,n do if s[r] ~= nil and s[r] ~= and tonumber(s[r]) then sets[r] = tonumber(s[r]) elseif sets[r-1] then sets[r] = sets[r-1] else sets[r] = 5 end end end

local function addTableRow(tbl) return tbl:tag('tr') end

local function addBlank(row, width) local cell = row:tag('td') if width then cell:css('width', width) end return cell end

local function addHeading(row, r, text) row:tag('td') :attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '1' or '2') + sets[r]) :css('text-align', 'center') :css('border', '1px solid #aaa') :css('background-color', args['RD-shade'] or '#f2f2f2') :wikitext(text) :newline() end

local function getWidth(param, default) local arg = args[param .. '-width'] if isblank(arg) then arg = default end if tonumber(arg) ~= nil then arg = arg .. 'px' end return arg end

local function getTeamArgName(round, type, team) if round > rounds then return string.format('3rd-%s%d', type, team) else if (round == 1) then team = RD1seedmap[team] if team == 0 then return 'NIL' end end return string.format('RD%d-%s%d', round, type, team) end end

local function getShadeArg(round, team, s) local argname = getTeamArgName(round, 'shade', team) .. (s and ('-' .. s) or ) local value = args[argname] if isblank(value) then return '#f9f9f9' end return value end

local function getScoreArg(round, team, s) local argname = getTeamArgName(round, 'score', team) .. (s and ('-' .. s) or ) local value = args[argname] if isblank(value) then return end return value end

local function getTeamArg(round, type, team) local argname = getTeamArgName(round, type, team) local value = args[argname] if isblank(value) then return end if mw.ustring.find(value, '[%s]*<[%s/]*[Bb][Rr][%s/]*>[%s ]*&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];[%s]*') then tcats = end return mw.ustring.gsub(value, '[%s]*<[%s/]*[Bb][Rr][%s/]*>[%s ]*&[Nn][Bb][Ss][Pp];[%s]*', '
') end

local function isHidden(r, team) return isblank( getTeamArg(r, 'team', team) ) end

local function getRoundName(round) local name = args['RD' .. round] if isnotblank(name) then return name end local roundFromLast = rounds - round + 1 if roundFromLast == 1 then return "Finals" elseif roundFromLast == 2 then return "Semifinals" elseif roundFromLast == 3 then return "Quarterfinals" else return "Round of " .. math.pow(2, roundFromLast) end end

local function addPath(rows, index, round, top, left, w) local prop = top and 'border-bottom-width' or 'border-top-width' if left and round == 1 then if compact then addBlank(rows[index]) else addBlank(rows[index]):css('height', '7px') addBlank(rows[index + 1]):css('height', '7px') end return nil else local cell = addBlank(rows[index]) :attr('rowspan', (not compact) and '2' or nil) :css('border-width', '0') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-color', 'black') if left or round < rounds and not left then cell:css(prop, w or '2px') end return cell end end

local function renderTeam(row, round, team, top, otherbye) local seedCell local seedArg = getTeamArg(round, 'seed', team) -- seed value for the paired team local pairSeedArg = otherbye and or getTeamArg(round, 'seed', team % 2 == 0 and team-1 or team+1) -- show seed if seed is defined for either or both local showSeed = showSeeds or isnotblank(seedArg) or isnotblank(pairSeedArg) if showSeed and (not hideSeeds) then seedCell = row:tag('td') :css('text-align', 'center') :css('background-color', '#f2f2f2') :css('border-color', '#aaa') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-top-width', (top or otherbye) and '1px' or '0') :css('border-left-width', '1px') :css('border-right-width', '1px') :css('border-bottom-width', '1px') :attr('rowspan', (not compact) and '2' or nil) :wikitext(seedArg) :newline() end

local teamArg = getTeamArg(round, 'team', team) if isblank(teamArg) then teamArg = ' ' end

local teamCell = row:tag('td') :css('background-color', '#f9f9f9') :css('border-color', '#aaa') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-top-width', (top or otherbye)and '1px' or '0') :css('border-left-width', '1px') :css('border-right-width', '1px') :css('border-bottom-width', '1px') :css('padding', '0 2px') :attr('rowspan', (not compact) and '2' or nil) :wikitext(teamArg) :newline() if not showSeed and (not hideSeeds) then teamCell:attr('colspan', '2') end

local scoreCells = {} for s = 1, sets[round] do scoreCells[s] = row:tag('td') :css('text-align', 'center') :css('border-color', '#aaa') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-top-width', (top or otherbye) and '1px' or '0') :css('border-left-width', '0') :css('border-right-width', '1px') :css('border-bottom-width', '1px') :css('background-color', getShadeArg(round, team, s)) :attr('rowspan', (not compact) and '2' or nil) :wikitext(getScoreArg(round, team, s)) :newline() end end

local function renderRound(rows, count, r) local teams = math.pow(2, rounds - r + 1) local step = count / teams local topTeam = true -- is top row in match-up local topPair = true -- is top match-up in pair of match-ups local team = 1

for i = 1, count, step do local offset, height, blank

local hideteam = false local otherhideteam = false local hideleftpath = false if r <= byes then hideteam = isHidden(r, team) otherhideteam = isHidden(r, team % 2 == 0 and team-1 or team+1) end if (r == 1) and (RD1seedmap[team] <= 0) then hideteam = true end if (r > 1) and (r <= (byes + 1)) then hideleftpath = isHidden(r-1, 2*team-1) and isHidden(r-1, 2*team) end if (r == 2) and (RD1seedmap[2*team-1] <= 0 and RD1seedmap[2*team] <= 0) then hideleftpath = true end if compactFinal and (r == rounds) then hideleftpath = true end

-- empty space above or below if compact then offset = topTeam and i or i + 1 height = step - 1 -- leave room for groups for teams other than first and last elseif team == 1 or team == teams then offset = topTeam and i or i + 2 height = step - 2 else offset = topTeam and i + 1 or i + 2 height = step - 3 end if showThird and (r == rounds) and (not topTeam) then height = offset - offsetThird end if compactFinal and (r == (rounds - 1)) then if team == 2 then height = height - 3 end if team == 3 then height = height - 1 offset = offset + 1 rows[offset-3]:tag('td') :attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '2' or '3') + sets[r]) rows[offset-4]:tag('td') addHeading(rows[offset-4], r + 1, getRoundName(r+1)) rows[offset-4]:tag('td') :attr('rowspan', 2) :css('border-color', 'black') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-width', '0') :css('border-right-width', '2px') end end if height > 0 then blank = addBlank(rows[offset]) :attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '3' or '4') + sets[r]) :attr('rowspan', height) :css('border-color', 'black') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-width', '0') end -- add bracket local j = topTeam and i + step - (compact and 1 or 2) or i -- add left path addPath(rows, j, r, topTeam, true, hideleftpath and '0' or '2px') if hideteam then rows[j]:tag('td') :attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '1' or '2') + sets[r]) :attr('rowspan', (not compact) and 2 or nil) else renderTeam(rows[j], r, team, topTeam, otherhideteam) end local rightPath = addPath(rows, j, r, topTeam, false, hideteam and '0' or '2px') if not topTeam then topPair = not topPair end if not topPair and r < rounds and (not hideteam) then if blank then blank:css('border-right-width', '2px') end rightPath:css('border-right-width', '2px') end if compactFinal and (r == rounds) then local prop = (team == 1) and 'border-bottom-width' or 'border-top-width' rightPath:css('border-right-width', '2px') :css(prop, '2px') end team = team + 1 topTeam = not topTeam end end

local function renderGroups(rows, count, round) local roundFromLast = rounds - round + 1 local groups = math.pow(2, roundFromLast - 2) local step = count / groups local group = 1 local offset = 0 local team = 0 local w = '2px'

for r = 1,round do offset = offset + (hideSeeds and 3 or 4) + sets[r] end for i = step / 2, count, step do local name = 'RD' .. round .. '-group' .. group addBlank(rows[i]):css('height', '7px') addBlank(rows[i + 1]):css('height', '7px') addBlank(rows[i]) :attr('rowspan', '2') :attr('colspan', offset - 2) :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(args[name]) :newline() if (round <= byes) then team = i/(step/2) w = isHidden(round, 2*team-1) and isHidden(round, 2*team) and '0' or '2px' end addBlank(rows[i]) :css('border-color', 'black') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-width', '0 ' .. w .. ' 0 0') if (round <= byes) then team = team + 1 w = isHidden(round, 2*team-1) and isHidden(round, 2*team) and '0' or '2px' end addBlank(rows[i+1]) :css('border-color', 'black') :css('border-style', 'solid') :css('border-width', '0 ' .. w ..' 0 0') group = group + 1 end end

local function getThirdOffset() local offset = (compact and 1 or 3) * (math.pow(2, rounds) - math.pow(2, rounds-3)) - (compact and 2 or 4) if rounds < 4 then offset = compact and 8 or 17 if rounds < 3 then offset = compact and 6 or 10 if rounds < 2 then offset = compact and 4 or 6 end end end return offset end

local function renderThird(rows, count) local k = offsetThird local row = rows[k] local blank --if (offsetThird < count) then --blank = addBlank(row) --blank:attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '3' or '4') + sets[1]) --end blank = addBlank(row) addHeading(row, rounds + 1, args['3rd'] or 'Third place') k = k + (compact and 2 or 3) for i = 1,2 do row = rows[k] blank = addBlank(row) renderTeam(row, rounds + 1, i, i == 1, false) k = k + (compact and 1 or 2) end end

local function renderTree(tbl) -- create 3 or 1 rows for every team local count = math.pow(2, rounds) * (compact and 1 or 3) local offsetcount = 2 * (compact and 1 or 3) + (compact and 2 or 3) local rows = {} offsetThird = getThirdOffset() for i = 1, count do rows[i] = addTableRow(tbl) end if showThird then for i = (count+1), (offsetcount + offsetThird) do rows[i] = addTableRow(tbl) if (rounds > 1) then local blank = addBlank(rows[i]) blank:attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '3' or '4') + sets[1]) if compact and (rounds > 2) then blank = addBlank(rows[i]) blank:attr('colspan', tonumber(hideSeeds and '3' or '4') + sets[1]) end end end end if not compact then -- fill rows with groups for r = 1, rounds - 1 do renderGroups(rows, count, r) end end -- fill rows with bracket for r = 1, rounds do renderRound(rows, count, r) end if showThird then renderThird(rows, count, compact) end end

local function renderHeadings(tbl) local titleRow = addTableRow((not hideHeadings) and tbl or mw.html.create('table')) local widthRow = addTableRow(tbl) for r = 1, (compactFinal and (rounds-1) or rounds) do addBlank(titleRow) addBlank(widthRow, r > 1 and '5px' or '1px') addHeading(titleRow, r, getRoundName(r) ) local seedCell if (not hideSeeds) then seedCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('seed', '25px')) end local teamCell = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('team', '150px')) local scoreCells = {} for s = 1, sets[r] do scoreCells[s] = addBlank(widthRow, getWidth('score', '12px')) end addBlank(titleRow) addBlank(widthRow, r < rounds and '5px' or '1px')

if compact then teamCell:css('height', '7px') else if seedCell then seedCell:wikitext(' ') end teamCell:wikitext(' ') for s = 1, sets[r] do scoreCells[s]:wikitext(' ') end end end end

function p.teamBracket(frame) parseArgs(frame) rounds = tonumber(args.rounds) or 2 local teams = math.pow(2, rounds) compact = (args['compact'] and (args['compact'] == 'yes' or args['compact'] == 'y')) compactFinal = ((rounds > 4) and compact and args['compact-final'] and (args['compact-final'] == 'yes' or args['compact-final'] == 'y')) hideSeeds = (args['seeds'] and (args['seeds'] == 'no' or args['seeds'] == 'n')) showSeeds = (args['seeds'] and (args['seeds'] == 'yes' or args['seeds'] == 'y')) byes = (args['byes'] and (args['byes'] == 'yes' or args['byes'] == 'y') and 1) or (tonumber(args['byes'] or '0') or 0) hideHeadings = (args['headings'] and (args['headings'] == 'no' or args['headings'] == 'n')) showThird = isnotblank(args['3rd']) or isnotblank(args['3rd-team1']) or isnotblank(args['3rd-team2']) parseSeedmap(args['RD1-omit']) parseSets(args.sets)

-- create the table local tbl = mw.html.create('table') :css('border-style', 'none') :css('font-size', '90%') :css('margin', '1em 2em 1em 1em') :css('border-collapse', 'separate') :css('border-spacing', '0') :attr('cellpadding', '0')

if (args['nowrap'] and (args['nowrap'] == 'yes' or args['nowrap'] == 'y')) then tbl:css('white-space', 'nowrap') end

renderHeadings(tbl) renderTree(tbl) return tostring(tbl) .. tcats end

return p